The Hebbel Theater is the main building of the HAU (Hebbel am Ufer) performing arts institution. It's located on Stresemanstraße, not far from the Landwehr Canal (hence the 'am Ufer' bit) in Kreuzberg. The theater was built in 1907/08 named after the playwright Friedrich Hebbel, and has been a performing arts center more or less continuously since then. The building was designed by Oscar Kaufmann, a well known architect of the time who worked primarily with theaters.
The Hebbel Theater in Kreuzberg.
The theater experienced a heyday in the 1920s, with directors like Paul Wegener and actresses like Tilla Durieux performing pieces by contemporary playwrights, as well as works by Shakespeare.
The large glass windows on the theater's facade.
The theater, unlike many other buildings in the area, was relatively undamaged during the Second World War. Its architecture makes it pop against the surrounding buildings, most of which were built after the war. The building became the main theater of HAU during the 2003/2004 season.
The Hebbel Theater.